Week 2 was designed to follow on from week 1. It built on a lot of the principles of OO programming that we were introduced to in the beggining. Primarily encapsulation, I understood the idea quite early but practically I found it hard to implement. There were lots of practice workshops and pairing in the afternoons covered this also, so it became a skill that I can now say I have a relatively good basic understanding of and can do an example.
That said there were lots more important OOP principles such as dependency injection, this was harder to get theoretically and also hard to implement, but similarly I did lots of exercises on it and now understand the need for it after doing lots of testing with Rspec and mocking behaviour of classes.
Week 3 is a new week, on the web, so in order to keep in touch with these skills we will use again in a few weeks I am trying to go over them as much as I can. I have also started listening to the Ruby on Rails podcast which is very interesting and I highly recommend it to anyone doing ruby!