In the last two days I brushed up on my skills with GitHub using the rest of the work from Makers, which I have used before so didn’t find anything too difficult here. Other than getting a better understanding of a few common commands such as git checkout.

My GitHub linearly separable data

The last part of this weeks work is to solve a murder mystery. This aims to incorporate everything surrounding the command line that has been learnt through the Makers Teachable platform. It is good fun and I am currently on the last stage and looking to finish it tomorrow. The steps are clear and its good to work with github repositories as that’s been noted as a common skill within this course.

Also to note, I attended a Makers (but was open to public) lecture today given by Zack Akil. This covered the basics of machine learning, which is something I find very interesting and gave a good insight to the key skills and also some cool areas that you could look into. Such as, using blender for 3D modelling of regression models.

Compiling all the knowledge from the precourse, from piping to git

Have a good day,

