To start, I looked through the resources which covered various points, but mainly getting to know the system that you choose to use. I chose to use the Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL). This enables me to use an Ubuntu shell from within my windows. Which is perfect for me as I did not have a Mac. There are lots of links online how to do this, just type “WSL2 setup”.
Originally, I was going to use the Cloud9 environment on AWS which was recommended, but after talking to the coaches they said that Ubuntu would work well too. After looking into it I thought it would be good practice and I already have a little experience with linux. (and i’m starting to read Linux Pocket Guide by Daniel J. Barrett) Then followed the steps reccomended on the which they provided. This steps you through the set up and gets you to install and configure your development environment.
The first week is going to consist of 3 main areas. Building the development environment, which is done. Using the command line and then using version control.
Using Linux shell commands, like mkdir and mv which I haven’t used before