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Welcome to Maelstrom


Maelstrom is a fantasy turned based role playing game! A world bending whirlpool has merged the sci-fi and fantasy worlds into one, you must battle against all divisions of monsters to get gold and survive!

Hosted on Netlify, play here!

The dev team


Welcome to the Maelstrom


Fight hoards of enemies from the sci-fi and fantasy worlds!


Shop for upgrades and health potions


Experience true role playing and level up your character


To run and test locally

  1. clone this repo
  2. npm install, this will install the dependencies needed.
  3. npm start, Runs the app in the development mode. Open this to view it in the browser.
  4. npm test, will run the tests

Our tech stack

  • Languages: JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS
  • Front end: React
  • CI/CD: Travis-CI
  • Hosting: Netlify
  • Testing: Jest